Friday, March 2, 2018

Getting your A/C Ready for Summer.

I know, don’t say anything.  We may have just about made it through another winter.  Hey, it could have been worse.  You could have been living where the wind chills were way below zero!  Next step…getting ready for a good old New Mexico summer of intense heat at times and a need for quality air conditioning in your home or office.

Before you turn on the A/C this summer –

1.  Make sure that you have complete control over temperature and humidity.
2.  Have the compressor checked.
3.  How is the condenser as well?
4.  What condition is your air conditioner’s filter in?

The bigger picture may be that you need a new system entirely.  Fear not, it will not only make this summer and many to come more comfortable, but increase the value of your home.  The right man and company for any air conditioning work in the Albuquerque area is always Justin Day of Daylight Electric and Appliance.  Call for an A/C check-up at (505) 864-3980.

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